Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Category Events
(Keynote address given by Scam Watch Pilipinas Co-Founder and Co-Lead Convenor Jocel de Guzman during the formal launch of the National Scam Watch Movement by the DICT and CICC
Scam Watch Pilipinas, Government unite to fight cyber fraud
A major stride towards fortifying the country’s digital landscape was recently made as Scam Watch Pilipinas (#ScamWatchPH) solidified a partnership with the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT), National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), and Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC)…
Scam Watch Pilipinas: Manila Bulletin launches cybersecurity movement
Manila Bulletin (MB) will launch Scam Watch Pilipinas, an advocacy movement supporting cybersecurity, to empower Filipinos to protect themselves against cyber fraud. Also known as #ScamWatchPH, it will be implemented in cooperation with government agencies and brand partners. A project…