
A start-up reputation and perception management firm to help companies and individuals nurture and protect their brand reputation.

About Truth360 Principle

Truth360 is a reputation management principle developed by Jocel de Guzman that creates a repetitive balance between perception building and experience making to protect and nurture the reputation of an organization, brand, or individual through a full-cycle strategic validation process.

Understanding Truth360

High Perception
High Experience

High Perception
Low Experience

Low Perception
High Experience

Low Perception
Low Experience

Our Services

Corporate, Brand, and Individual Reputation Management

Perception Management (PR)

Crisis Communications

Strategic Corporate Communications

Corporate and Leadership Brand Building

Advocacy Marketing

Digital and Social Media Marketing

Sports Marketing

Corporate Communications Outsourcing Services

Learning & Development

Visa recognizes PayMongo as Most Innovative Payment Facilitator in PH

PayMongo, a pioneering Fintech focusing on digital financial services solutions, was recognized as the Most Innovative Payment…

Scam Watch Pilipinas to include Whoscall app in its anti-scam education roadshows

Scam Watch Pilipinas will include the use of Gogolook’s digital anti-fraud mobile application Whoscall in…


Scam Watch Pilipinas or #ScamWatchPH is a cybersecurity movement, which was founded by MB and reputation management brand Truth360, intended to educate as many Filipinos as possible against cyber fraud and online scams, ensuring they are armed with the necessary knowledge to safeguard their virtual activities.

On July 14, 2023 in a covenant signing agreement with DICT, NPC and CICC, #ScamWatchPH was recognized as the national citizen arm of the Philippine government to educate Filipinos against cyber fraud

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